Surviving Christmas

Thank You To Gary From The Seeing-Stars Website For Finding Drew Lathem's Apartment Building

  • (0:04)  View Of Drew Lathem's Apartment Building / 76 E. Monroe Street, Chicago (Note: The View Is Looking Northwest From Michigan Avenue)

  • (0:06)  View Of The Bar Code Media Building / 180 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago (Note: The View Is Showing The Northwest Side Of The Building)

  • (0:07)  Drew Out Walking And Thinking About What To Do / Southwest Corner Of N. Michigan Avenue And E. Chestnut Street, Chicago (Note: This Was The Establishing Shot And It Was Taken From The John Hancock Property)

  • (0:11)  The Valco Residence / 6748 Ionia Avenue, Chicago (Note: The Front Of The House Is On The N. Waukesha Avenue Side Of The Corner Property)

  • (0:23)  Poor Don's Treeland / Still Searching For This Location

  • (0:34)  Everyone Going To Town / 38 N. Plaza Square, Orange

  • (0:35)  Visiting Santa For A Group Picture / 3916 Van Buren Place, Culver City (Note: This Is Behind A Gated Alley And The Building Seen In The Background Is The Culver Hotel)

  • (0:44)  Going Sledding / Mammoth Mountain, Ca

  • (0:53)  Drew In A Park Putting On A Winter Display For Alicia Valco But It Doesn't Go Well For Him / I Am Guessing This Is A Soundstage And Not A Real Location

  • (1:18)  Drew And Tom Going To Doo-Dah's Play / University High School; 11800 Texas Avenue, Los Angeles (Note: This Entrance Is Inside The School Property And Can't Be Seen From The Street)

  • (1:25)  Everyone At The Diner / Cindy's Restaurant; 1500 Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles


  1. I was an extra in surviving christmas and the airport scene was at a studio in pacoima called hollywood air.We filmed it in feb of 2003.

  2. The house was a block from mine, we met Gandolfini and Afleck. It was so cool. The place they bought the tree, "Poor Don's Treeland" is Meinke's Garden Center.

  3. Christina applegate and I dated during the film

  4. The park scene was supposed to be on the triangular park locally known as "doggy doo island" if I recall correctly. Also known as 6 corners near 7 corners in Scarsdale. I used to live on Beverly Lane a few houses away to the north. The house has been sold and leveled so neighbor could have 3 lots and a McMansion. Idiots. Ray Kroc of McDonalds fame used to live on the next block of Beverly Lane on the other side of the park for a little trivia.

  5. My childhood friend's parents owned that house. The Byrne's house is where for the first time ever I told a boy I loved him.

  6. My Cousins lived at the house early 70's. I spent many holiday's there as a young kid.

  7. Watching this movie on 2023. I live in Chicago and it’s cool to learn about all these places.

  8. Do you know where was Drew appartment's inside filmed at? Was it a studio or an actual house? Also that eggnog scene with the table falling is my favourite

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment but I don't remember the movie that well. If I didn't list it my guess I had no clue where to start looking for them.
