Chicago Fire: Season 3 - Episode 14; Call It Paradise

  • (0:14)  Mills And Brett Respond To A Call At An Old Factory / Finkl Forging; Northwest Corner Of W. Cortland Street And N. Kingsbury Avenue, Chicago (Note: This Whole Complex Has Since Been Torn Down)


  1. That's Finkl Forging; recently closed. It's being demolished. I wonder what's going in there? I recall a couple of years ago Finkl announced they were moving to the south side.

  2. I think that the house that Boden lives in is on the 700 block of S. Loomis. They filmed four times since November and the view through the top of the window looked familiar.

  3. At 22:39 the opposite side of the firehouse is shown with the trucks leaving the house. I don't recall seeing this view before
